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90 Day Challenge Finale! Matinee Milonga @ La Cosecha

Matinee Milonga

Matinee Milonga continues…. on 2nd & 4th Sundays.

This Sunday, we will celebrate the end of the 90 Day challenge and welcome all those who recently started their tango journeys. The first hour of the milonga will be dedicated to beginners - we will have some fun games and tandas.

Come dance with us! Our goal is to create a welcoming, affirming, and fun dance space where all levels can participate.

Enjoy a fantastic floor to dance on, a fine musical selection, and some light refreshments.

At La Cosecha, the perfect place to spend the day, w/ plenty of options for drinks & food (lunch/brunch before the milonga or dinner after the milonga).

2:00pm - 6:00pm
Hosts: Naren Manjunath, Jonathan Fernandes

2pm Tango Taster Class (All levels) w Ramu Pyreddy
3pm Dancing w/ DJ: Harvey Schwartz

April 23, 2023
La Cosecha
1280 4th Street NE, Washington DC 20002

Parking in La Cosecha Parking Garage is free for the first 3 hours and $15 thereafter.

Class: $15 (Free with 90 day challenge)
Milonga: $15 (Free with 90 day challenge)
Non dancing Family & Friends are welcome and need not pay admission.
Bring your own bottle for water (we are green).

La Cosecha is a contemporary market celebrating Latin American culture and conversation through authentic flavors, art, and heritage.