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Eric Lindgren - March 2017

Tango Mercurio is thrilled to host Eric Lindgren in DC this Spring! 
Eric is a world-renowned teacher and a superb dancer, who brings with him a deep knowledge of tango technique as well as clear and precise language to describe movement, dynamics and musicality.

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Eric's Bio

Eric fell in love with Tango in his first class. A month later he had moved to Buenos Aires to pursue the dance full time. In the decade since he has continued to explore the many unique avenues of style, technique, and self-expression that Argentine Tango offers.

Eric has taught, toured, and performed throughout the US and Europe and continues to revisit Buenos Aires regularly as source of inspiration and clarity. Eric is exceptional both for his endless willingness to re-examine his dance seeking new depth as well for as for the unusual breadth of his knowledge and experience. 

In classes, Eric focuses on pursuing presence, ease, expression, and pleasure, as the quickest and most rewarding paths to further our understand of the dance.

Enjoy one of Eric's latest performances here.

Eric's Schedule in DC

Weekend Workshops:
Saturday and Sunday, March 11 and 12
Balance Gym Foggy Bottom
2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Registration is required for these workshops


Workshop Themes:

Day 1:
1) The Beauty of Surrender
Simple secrets for luscious movement and cozy connection.
2) Close Embrace Challenge
Expand you Close Embrace comfort zone! In this class, we’ll cover a challenging five-part close embrace sequence. Playing with texture and rhythm, this sequence is sure to entice and challenge both partners. 

Day 2:
3) Powerful Partnership
Finding technical precision, excellence, and pleasure through powerful, expressive following and present, clear leading. 
4) Milonga with a Twist
Working torsion and pivots into our milonga without losing our cool.


Weekend Pass - $100.00
1 Day Pass - $55.00
1 Workshop - $30.00

Student Weekend Pass - $65.00
Student 1 Day Pass - $35
Student 1 Workshop - $20.00

Tuesday, March 7th
Intermediate Tango Elements Class at ESL Milonga
Time: 8-9 PM
Theme: To be announced
Pricing: $15 drop in, $10 for students
This class is a drop in, no prior registration required.

Friday, March 10th
Advanced Couples Only Class at Milonga de Luz
Time: 8-9:30 PM
Theme: To be announced
Price: $20 or use your Mercurio Class card ($10 for students)
This class is a drop in, no prior registration is required, but you are required to come with a partner